Autism is diagnosed in around 1% of Europe's children.
It occurs in boys 4 times more often than in girls.
This means that the brain works in a non-standard way in this case.
The number of people diagnosed with a diagnosis increases every year.
This does not mean that there are more and more cases, but rather that the methods of diagnosis are more and more accurate. Previously, these disorders were often diagnosed as intellectual disability.
Autism may look different for each individual case, and is diagnosed on the basis of behaviors and characteristics in three areas:
Social interactions
Repetitive, stereotypical behavior
Symptoms of autism
Social interaction disorders:
the child does not follow the indicated objects with his / her eyes
doesn't notice people
it does not react and is unaware of their presence
does not point a finger to show that they are interested in something
has difficulty in contact
does not engage in games
it is not interested in making friends
does not have the ability to play "pretend"
can't imitate
has difficulty understanding feelings
cannot talk about feelings
cannot share
Disorders communication:
the child avoids eye contact
has delayed speech development
cannot communicate needs or desires
his facial expressions do not match what he was saying
does not have the ability to read facial expressions
repeats an unusual tone of voice, e.g. pronounces each sentence like a question
repeats a question instead of answering it
his statements are inadequate to the situation
takes the statements verbatim
he does not understand the sense of humor and irony
Stiffened Behaviors:
attachment to routine
difficulties with adapting to changes
unusual attachment to objects
interest in a narrow field of knowledge
spending a lot of time arranging toys in a specific way,
observe moving objects (e.g. washing machine)
focusing on one part of an object (e.g. a bicycle wheel)
multiple repetition of movements
self-stimulation, such as spinning on its own axis
Sensory disorders and difficulties are characteristic of austism
reluctance to cuddle or touch
searching for sensual impressions
staring at the light
covering the ears due to certain sounds
strong reactions in response to gentle stimuli
problems with making certain movements
feeling out of control over the body
People on the autism spectrum may experience common stimuli as being low or too intense.
Early diagnosis is of great importance. There is then a chance to properly support development.
Behaviors before the age of 3 that may indicate an autism spectrum include:
6 months - the child does not smile and does not show joyful expression
9 months - does not reciprocate smiles, facial expressions, does not react to sounds made by the parent
12 months - does not react to the name,
14 months - does not use an adequate gesture, e.g. pointing a finger, "bye" gesture
16 months - no words or only a few words
18 months - no make-believe play (e.g., feeding a doll)
24 months - the child does not spontaneously use sentences consisting of 2 words in a meaningful way
The diagnosis consists of a long, thorough interview and observations conducted by a psychologist, psychiatrist, pedagogue and speech therapist.
Autism, atypical autism and Asperger's Syndrome are the most frequently diagnosed ones on the autism spectrum.
Scientists are still researching the causes of autism spectrum disorders.
There is no single cause that causes autism.
The following may be important in the occurrence of autism:
higher age of parents
viral infections during pregnancy
multiple pregnancies
The site explores you can perform a test to check whether the child is developing properly and adequately to age. This test is not a diagnosis. If, on the other hand, you are worried about something about your child's behavior, contact a specialist who will decide whether tests are needed.
If you need more information, see polskiautyzm or synapsis.